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Eat. Learn. Know.

The solution to self-resolution: How knowledge management can free up your IT team

BST (3)

Corporations spend over $164 billion dollars a year on IT support tickets. Collaboration based on knowledge can change that.

Modern knowledge management strategy can ensure that internal know-how  is shared across the business. With access to accurate, on-demand information, employees are empowered to self-resolve issues, which reduces the pressure on the IT team.

Join our Chief Customer Officer, Ronan Kirby, to find out how human-centric knowledge management can help IT leaders save time, reduce the ticket burden on teams and minimize costs. 

Join the webinar to learn how AI-powered knowledge management can:

- Reduce IT spend associated with internal IT tickets
- Accelerate time to resolution, boosting productivity as a result
- Empower employees to access and retain internal know-how.

Lunch is on us, so you can refuel before you start rethinking the way your business manages knowledge. All attendees will receive a £20 or 25 CHF/€ or  voucher for Uber Eats.

This event has already taken place. Fill in the form below if you would like to discuss your specific business needs with one of our consultants.

Learn from our expert



Our Chief Customer Officer, Ronan, has extensive experience in the IT industry. He previously served as President & General Manager, EMEA of Kaseya, a leading IT and security management company. He’s also the former Vice President of NGINX, the software behind many of the world’s leading apps and sites. His IT experience and customer-centric approach mean that he understands and can relate to the challenges IT leaders are facing and he is committed to helping overcome them. 

Save your IT team from the same repetitive tickets?

Reduce Number Of IT Tickets

Crowd-source knowledge and promote self-sufficiency with a single place with all previously answered tickets. 

Resolve More Questions

Spend less time on previously answered questions and free up more time for new questions


Reduce Cost Per Ticket

Provide instant answers to previously asked questions and only spend time and money on new questions.